12207 Pecos Street, #300
Westminster, CO 80234
Call us at
(303) 466-3261


Melanoma is a potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer. Early detection and aggressive treatment can improve the chances of survival dramatically. Dr. Fremling has been performing excision and reconstruction of melanoma combined with sentinel lymph node biopsy when indicated for over 25 years. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a technique of selective lymph node sampling to detect micro-metastatic disease. Dr. Fremling generally follows the treatment recommendations for melanoma outlined by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. These guidelines along with useful general information regarding melanoma are available at: https://www.nccn.org/patientresources/patient-resources/guidelines-for-patients

Because of the risk for spread and complexity of treatment options, we do not offer surgical treatment of melanoma without an initial in-person office consultation. Surgery will not be performed on the same day as the consultation. During your initial consultation, Dr. Fremling will assess your risk for metastatic spread based upon history, physical examination, and your pathology report. Based upon this, surgical recommendations will be provided and a treatment plan will be formulated. If lymph node biopsy is not needed, wide excision and reconstruction can frequently be performed in the office under local anesthesia. The advantages of a single-stage vs two-stage excision will also be discussed. Because of the biologic behavior of invasive melanoma, MOHS surgery is contraindicated. If sentinel lymph node biopsy is indicated, your operation will be performed at a surgery center or hospital under anesthesia.

Once your surgical treatment has been completed your care will be returned to your primary care physician, dermatologist, and/or oncologist. Dr. Fremling only provides surgical management of melanoma. He does not provide any long-term monitoring services, skin-screening services or systemic treatments for melanoma.